Dream about pregnant woman 👩 familiar or unfamiliar: 45 interpretations

A dreaming pregnant woman can portend profit, success, or vice versa – trouble and deceit. In order to accurately determine what a pregnant woman is dreaming of (familiar or unfamiliar), you need to pay attention to the mood of the girl, as well as to the age and gender of the dreamer himself. If a woman often dreams of pregnant women, this indicates that she is morally depressed by the inability to become pregnant or has difficulty bearing a child.

TOP 5 negative interpretations

  1. A girl about to have an abortion dreams of betrayal, gossip that will ruin the dreamer’s reputation.
  2. Upset, crying pregnant woman – to trouble.
  3. A thin and unkempt pregnant girl – difficulties and sorrows.
  4. A sad pregnant girlfriend – to loneliness.
  5. A familiar woman waiting for a girl– to problems, illness of a relative.

TOP 5 positive interpretations

  1. If a girl dreams of a friend waiting for a boy, then this is for the money.
  2. Several girls expecting a baby — to success in their endeavors.
  3. For a childless woman to see a pregnant woman in the last months – to pregnancy.
  4. If a cheerful pregnant girl in dreams of a person with financial difficulties, then he will soon be able to pay off all his debts.
  5. A stranger pregnant in a good mood dreams of a new job, meeting the opposite sex.

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Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream, what does it mean according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller’s dream book contains the following transcripts:

  • a wealthy person sees in a dream a pregnant woman to troubles, expenses;
  • if the poor had such a dream – on the contrary, to money and good luck;
  • a dream about a pregnant friend with a belly promises financial stability and cash receipts;
  • for a prisoner, a dream predicts an imminent release.

For women:

  • for a pregnant woman, this will mean that her birth will take place without complications, and she herself will quickly recover;
  • if a virgin dreams of a pregnant woman, then this portends a shame in real life;
  • a beautiful pregnant woman with a big belly can dream of good events and changes.

Freud’s Dream Book

According to Freud, meeting a pregnant friend in a dream for women is the next events:

  • to pregnancy in real life;
  • for a single woman, this dream means that in the near future she will meet a man who wants to create with her family;
  • if you dreamed of a girl pregnant with a girl – to renew relations with a person with whom you recently broke up;
  • a pregnant stranger woman with her husband – to gossip.

For men:

  • for a young guy to see a pregnant stranger in a dream – to the birth of a child from his beloved woman.

Wanga’s dream book

According to Vanga’s dream book:

  • to see a stranger pregnant in a dream – to new opportunities that will present themselves in an unforeseen way;
  • a sad, thin pregnant woman dreams of illness;
  • a woman who is going to give birth – to get rid of problems.

For women:

  • married, such a dream portends the establishment of relationships in the family;
  • if a young girl dreamed of a pregnant woman, it is worth limiting communication with the opposite sex, as it will not bring anything good;
  • mother’s daughter pregnant with twins dreams of moving.

Hasse’s dream book

For women:

  • for a young girl – to a meeting with a loved one;
  • for older women, a dream warns of illness and even threatens with death.

Nostradamus’ dream book

According to Nostradamus’ dream book, such a vision means that the dreamer will be asked in debt.

For women:

  • if a girl dreamed of her pregnancy, but at the same time she does not expect a child, this portends troubles, troubles and subsequent losses;
  • if in a dream she felt the fetus moving, then this is a great joy.

Meneghetti’s dream book

A pregnant woman, according to Meneghetti’s dream book, dreams of health problems.

English dream book

For women:

  • a married woman who sees a pregnant woman in a dream can expect the birth of twins;
  • if an unmarried woman had a dream, she should be more careful with her man – deception on his part is possible.

French dream book

The following interpretations are offered in the French dream book:

  • to see in a dream that someone is expecting a baby – to something burdensome;
  • if a friend turned out to be pregnant, you should be more careful about communicating with her – perhaps soon the relationship will go wrong and stop;
  • if in a dream a familiar pregnant woman began to bleed, in real life she may be in danger – up to the loss of a child.

For women:

  • if in a dream an unfamiliar girl pretends to be pregnant, the dreamer should pay attention to the relationship with her man.

Assyrian dream book

A similar dream according to the Assyrian dream book is a failure, making wrong decisions that can change fate.

For women:

  • a pregnant woman in a dream for a single girl predicts an unsuccessful relationship with the opposite sex (marriage not for love);
  • for a married woman – a quarrel with her husband, a showdown.

Modern dream book

For women:

  • for an aged woman – to healing, a stable financial situation;
  • if a girl argues with a pregnant woman – to discord in the family, disputes with her mother;
  • hugs her – to a good mood.

For men:

  • to changes in the family.

Phoebe’s big dream book

A pregnant woman dreams of improving her financial situation, of unexpected profit. If she dreamed that she was crying, then this is a nervous breakdown.

Chinese dream book

For men:

  • in the future, everything will turn out well – first of all, in the professional sphere.

For women:

  • a dream with a pregnant married woman predicts well-being in the family, the absence of material problems. But it can also warn that the children that she will have in the future will be ugly.
  • girls vision warns that you should beware of rumors and new acquaintances.

Muslim dream book

For men:

  • happiness;
  • welfare improvement;
  • good news.

For women:

  • dreamed of a virgin or a lonely girl – to pregnancy;
  • an elderly woman – to illness.
  • Islamic dream book

According to the Islamic dream book, a familiar pregnant woman dreams of good luck, but a dream of an aged person can warn of illness.

For women:

  • dreamed of an unmarried girl – for the wedding;
  • a familiar pregnant woman dreams of well-being, solving material problems.

Slavic dream book

For women:

  • a young girl dreams – to betrayal;
  • for a mature woman, such dreams can portend wealth, good luck;
  • an elderly dream can warn of various diseases.

Family dream book

For women:

  • a pregnant aunt dreams of undeserved reproaches from relatives;
  • mother – to an unsuccessful marriage.

Esoteric dream book

Dreams about a pregnant woman predict that a person from a close circle will ask for a large amount of money.

Love dream book

For women:

  • dreamed of a familiar pregnant girl – to pregnancy.

For men:

  • to the pregnancy of a girlfriend.

Dream interpretation for women

For women:

  • if the pregnant woman was upset – bad news;
  • to observe in a dream a familiar pregnant woman who has already given birth – to resolve disputes, get rid of debts.

Dream interpretation for men

For men:

  • to see a stranger pregnant with a boy – for money;
  • if a wife was pregnant – to quarrels with her.

Lunar dream book

The dream portends profit, unexpected luck in the financial sector.

For women:

  • a woman’s dream predicts worries and troubles in relationships with the opposite sex.

Intimate dream book

An intimate dream book contains the following interpretations:

  • pregnancy dreams before the start of a new stage in life – especially at work and in love;
  • to see in a dream a familiar woman was pregnant, which in reality is barren – to great luck, good news;
  • if you see a pregnant daughter – to disagreements in the family.

Winter dream book

If you dreamed of an unfamiliar pregnant woman – for money, a relative – for quarrels in the family.

Summer dream book

For women:

  • if you dreamed that a pregnant woman would have a girl, then this is to trouble and trouble.

Autumn dream book

For women:

  • a pregnant stranger and next to her some man dreams of pregnancy in reality.

Home dream book

The general meaning of such dreams is to prepare for something new.

If you dreamed that a familiar woman was pregnant, then the dreamer would discover some new character traits in himself.

For women:

  • if a pregnant woman had such a dream, it means that you need to think more about your health in preparation for childbirth.

Creative dream book

For women:

  • mature such a dream promises a successful marriage;
  • young – trouble.

For men:

  • such dreams portend success in the business begun.
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