Dream about fear of heights: 37 interpretations

To be afraid of heights in a dream is a sign of future life changes according to most dream books . Psychology, on the other hand, defines the meaning of such fear as emotional depression, depression.

Most often, people who have such dreams are slow and indecisive. Their subconscious gives them hints that they need to take risks, otherwise the opportunity will be missed.

Ambitious and active people in real life experience a similar fear in a dream of an event that could bring them failure. On the contrary, you need to settle down and weigh your decisions again.

TOP 5 negative values

  1. Injury in almost all dream books is a bad sign, which means that problems, financial losses, or deterioration in health.
  2. Climb off something high– to retreat: perhaps in the life of the dreamer there are too impossible tasks.
  3. Hold firmly on something before falling – to false hopes that interfere with achieving what you want.
  4. Fall from a height and get scared means that obstacles await the dreamer.
  5. Feeling anxious while standing on the edge of a cliff – bad news.

TOP 5 positive values

  1. Fear of falling dreams of the realization of what was planned.
  2. Fear of heights – of the opportunity to shift the part duties on another person.
  3. A person who really suffers from acrophobia (fear of heights) such a dream promises a rest in a pleasant company.
  4. Hanging on the roof of a building and screaming in horror – to a promotion.
  5. And jump down – to a long-awaited meeting with friends.

Dreams in which there is a balancing on the edge of an abyss, high-rise, where everything happens as if in reality and you feel a strong fear of jumping down, in some cases, means your internal limitations and fears that prevent you from moving forward. If in a dream you are afraid to jump into the water from a tower or a bridge, you need to look for the roots of problems in yourself, you yourself repel luck and luck just as if you hold on to something and feel fear in panic before the height. In the case when an attack of fear occurs on the steps and you grab onto the railing, experiencing terrible fear, and start to cry, then the problem is recent and you greatly exaggerate it for yourself.

If the dream shows that you are walking around a construction site or sit on a ledge without a barrier, which means that in real life you are taking or can take rash steps that can lead to sad consequences.

Lying on the bed in a dream, being afraid to fall, speaks of your fears of change and what something new.

But if you see beautiful landscapes from a height and there is no fear of heights or you overcame it, won, then positive changes are on the threshold of your life and you have overcome your difficulties in real life.

Fear of heights in a dream, why according to Miller’s dream book?

According to the dream book Miller’s vision can mean loss or disappointment.

Depending on the location of a person at a height, the interpretation of the dream is specified:

  1. In the sky, a parachute jump. It is recommended not to get involved in adventures in the near future and not to take unjustified risks.
  2. High-rise building, roof, skyscraper. Most likely, a person is tormented by doubts and it is they who do not allow to complete an important task. First you need to deal with the nature of your emotions.
  3. Mountain. An omen of health problems, it is worth paying special attention to this.
  4. Ferris wheel. Scrolls through your thoughts, helping you find a mistake in business or personal relationships.
  5. Falling into the river. Serious health problems. But if in a dream a person climbed out of the water, the disease will quickly recede in reality.
  6. Fear of heights arose in connection with the destruction of a house or mountain – such a sign speaks of fatal changes in life.

Why do you dream of a fear of heights according to Freud’s dream book?

According to Freud’s dream book, you dream of a fear of heights people who experience difficulties in relationships with their partner. Height means a manifestation of feelings, and to be afraid of it in a dream is to be afraid to admit affection to a loved one.

In a dream, a person can stay not at a height, but near it:

  • at the foot of a mountain ;
  • in front of the entrance to a high-rise building;
  • at the door to the balcony.

Such a dream foreshadows that in relations with the chosen one you will have to show imagination to win or maintain passionate relationships.

For men:

  • a dream represents the fear of losing one’s strength and attractiveness.

What does the dream in which you are afraid of heights mean, according to Vanga’s dream book?

Dream Interpretation Wangi interprets the fear of heights as follows:

  • the desire for self-development;
  • the need to work on personal development;
  • the desire to improve the universe.

A falling plane in a vision indicates that attempts improving a difficult situation in life will not bear fruit.

Hasse’s dream book

The meaning of the fear of heights in this dream book is that close friends and relatives are in serious danger. The dream is given in order to warn of a threat and save loved ones.

Additional meanings:

  • to walk along the edge of the abyss dreams of participating in a financial scam;
  • climb a high mountain – to achieve the goal;
  • climb a rope to the roof – to the risk of losing all your savings.

Dream book of Nostradamus

There are two meanings of fear of heights in Nostradamus’s dream book:

  • a huge height suggests that all the events that occur in a dream will happen in the distant future ;
  • seeing a lot of people on a dais – belittling one’s talents and abilities in front of others.

Dream Interpretation of Meneghetti

People can have a terrible dream according to Meneghetti’s interpretation in such cases:

  • being at high altitude means an imminent physical ailment;
  • looking at the sky – joyful events;
  • falling – illness, serious problems.

English dream book

In the English dream book, there are several meanings of fear in a dream:

  1. Falling from a height – losses and problems.
  2. A person in love who is in doubt about the chosen one can interpret the vision as a waste of time. Most likely, the relationship will not be happy.
  3. For businessmen, this is also a bad sign. Difficulties and losses await in business.
  4. People who are going on a long journey and have a dream associated with a fear of heights should be careful. This is a sign of disaster and an unhappy journey.

French dream book

In the French dream book, the fear of falling from a height portends misfortune and trouble.

How the dream ends can serve as a hint for the future:

  • a person who survived and got up after a fall, overcome his problems;
  • he who died or was injured in a dream can expect difficulties and bad news.

Assyrian dream book

The meanings of the feeling of horror due to the height in the Assyrian dream book:

  • falling into the abyss – an exciting business and a new acquaintance await;
  • to break in a vision – in the near future there will be no success in work;
  • falling from a great and small height promises the emergence of serious and minor problems in life, respectively;
  • falling off a mountain or a high-rise building – a business that a person implements will not bring success.

Modern dream book

Fear of heights according to the Modern dream book online tells a person that he has no material support in life. This state worries him and does not allow him to realize his plans.

The fear of space heights, on the contrary, portends the opening of new opportunities. A dreaming person will not be ready for them, so you should pay attention to this in real life.

Chinese dream book

Chinese dream book connects height with spirituality. This means that her fear is fear that has settled in the soul due to changed circumstances.

Perhaps a person in life expects:

  • difficulty in achieving the goal;
  • career growth;
  • change in financial status;
  • moral shock;
  • an increase in social status;
  • a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Muslim dream book

Muslim dream book interprets the fear of heights as follows:

  • looking out the window at a height personifies a person’s thirst to break free from the framework and get the desired freedom;
  • jumping into the abyss – you need to take a risky step in order to get what you want;
  • descend from a height carefully or jump with a parachute – any action requires caution, you can’t rush to make a decision;
  • stand on a high cliff – a person’s position in life is very precarious, priorities need to be reconsidered.

Islamic dream book

The fear of falling in the Islamic dream book symbolizes complex, even unrealistic tasks, standing in front of a person.

Various variations of the dream complement the interpretation:

  • to hang at a height – expects to overcome difficulties, after which the desired goal will finally be achieved;
  • to stand on the balcony – to be too demanding of yourself , not to see the real reasons for your failure;
  • being on the roof is a sign of gaining higher spiritual strength;
  • sitting in a Ferris wheel is a change of power: either you will rise higher or go down;
  • Any climb like an elevator or stairs symbolizes advancement in life or career.

Slavic dream book

Height in the Slavic dream book also has several interpretations:

  • to see a cloudless sky – a happy future;
  • to be afraid to fly on an airplane – fear of love relationships;
  • a dive or an airplane crash is a crisis in the family or problems at work.

A person who sees a disaster at a height, but does not experience horror, knows exactly how to solve problems.

Ukrainian dream book

Fear of heights in a dream promises a quick change in existing affairs – this there can be both positive and negative changes. Climbing off a hill and climbing up again means not noticing the obvious solutions to problems in reality.

Family Dream Book

To be afraid of the sight of heights according to the Family Dream Book is unfortunately.

Esoteric dream book

An esoteric dream interpreter advises someone who sees a fall in a dream or experiences fear of heights, become more confident and find the right motivation.

Love dream book

Love dream book suggests that interpretations in books may not always reflect reality. It is worth listening to your feelings from a lived dream and think about how it applies to real life.

Some frames of what you see can be analyzed like this:

  • a jump into the abyss, with the roof or from the window is seen by those who will soon commit a rash act;
  • often lonely people dream of heights;
  • height in various variations is someone whose life is undergoing major changes.

Dream book for women

For women:

  • A fall from a height in a women’s dream book portends a big disaster. Moreover, if the dreamer was injured, then painful losses await her in life.
  • A woman who stands at a height and is very scared is too arrogant in life and behaves unworthily.
  • If she sees someone on the roof, it means that she is not confident in herself and this prevents her from achieving her goal.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • to be high in a dream – to have too ambitious plans, fear will personify the doubts that occur in the soul of a man.
  • in a dream, someone can stand nearby – this person is not happy in real life the success of the dreamer and do not support him.
  • conquering the mountain means an increase in material well-being, and falling from it means failure and the collapse of the business.

Moon dream book

According to the Lunar dream interpreter, seeing the height means moving up the career ladder and taking new post.

There are other meanings:

  • to fall from the top – there will be difficulties in work;
  • a long flight into the abyss – insoluble problems in the family ;
  • injury from a fall – despair and depression;
  • paralyzing fear of heights in a dream – loved ones are in danger.

Intimate dream book

An intimate dream book interprets fear of heights as follows:

  • watching someone’s flight – you will soon have to overestimate a loved one;
  • skydiving – a desire to experience new emotions in an intimate life;
  • to be afraid for another person who is on top means to see a partner who will play an important role in personal life.

Winter dream book

To be at high altitude with fear according to the winter dream book means doing wrong actions.

Other interpretations:

  • to descend from a height – a missed opportunity;
  • ascent – new career paths.

Home dream book

According to the home dream book, the fear of heights is interpreted as new achievements.

The actions that occur in such a dream are deciphered as follows:

  • being in a dream very high in the mountains or in space is a change lifestyle or a feeling of loneliness;
  • to see something very high – in reality, the owner of the dream is impressed by some person or event;
  • to stand on a building – to be in a state of spiritual development.

According to the home dream book, any fall in a dream is doubt, self-doubt.

Creative dream book

According to this dream book, if a person has a feeling of fear of heights, So, in reality, he raised the bar. To have great claims to oneself means to feel one’s imperfection. Such a dream shows the sleeper his weaknesses.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

A person who goes to bed and is afraid of heights subconsciously answers important questions for himself.

Possible interpretations:

  • climb up and then fall into the abyss – difficult tasks in life that will not bring success;
  • crash in a dream from a great height – insurmountable problems;
  • fall and stand up – victory over any difficulties;
  • greatly afraid of heights – too critical of oneself;
  • stand on a hill – the distance to the ground under the standing person speaks of the size of the ambition inherent in him;
  • a jump down or readiness for it – changes in life are needed;
  • climb to a height – achieving a better social status.

American dream book

Height symbolizes many possibilities:

  • to be afraid of heights in sleep — do not decide in reality to do a thing that will bring prosperity;
  • get off a mountain or a high-rise building – in life you need to refuse a tempting offer, perhaps it does not promise happiness;
  • a huge hill or flying is a sign that promises good news from the American dream book.
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