Dream about pregnant sister – 42 interpretations from dream books

A pregnant sister dreams of implementing new ideas and plans, for which a lot of time and effort will be spent. Also, such a dream portends the dreamer’s quick wedding and a strong marriage.

Interpretation of a dream about a pregnant sister, depending on the details

Depending on who dreamed:

  • brother — to a bargain;
  • sister – to receive an interesting offer.

Depending on who dreamed:

  • sister – to a love relationship with a wealthy person;
  • cousin – to big expenses;
  • unmarried — to loss of reputation;
  • sister who is not pregnant in reality — to her pregnancy;
  • second cousin – to a quiet life;
  • the eldest – to good news from her;
  • the youngest – to vain troubles;
  • the deceased – to sadness and tears.

Depending on what they saw in a dream:

  • a sister with a big belly – to the successful completion of any business;
  • her pregnancy and sisters – to success in all endeavors.

Depending on when you dreamed:

  • from Friday to Saturday – to the hustle and bustle.

TOP 5 negative values

  1. If you dreamed of pregnant sister in tears, this portends a deception on the part of a loved one.
  2. Blood — committing a stupid act.
  3. If in a dream she screams — unpleasant situations at work.
  4. Died — bad mood.
  5. Seeing her with a cat in her arms — to cunning and the insidiousness of people whom the sleeper considers friends.

TOP 5 positive values

  1. Seeing a happy pregnant sister means meeting a good person.
  2. If she strokes her belly, then this promises the resolution of any issue.
  3. Marries – victory over ill-wishers.
  4. Nursing a child – an addition to the family.
  5. If you dreamed that she was pregnant with twins, then this is a great joy.

Miller’s Dream Book

Interpretations from Miller’s Dream Book:

  • a pregnant sister dreams of obstacles on the way to achieving the goal;
  • cousin – to her imminent marriage;
  • married – to changes in family life;
  • if she dreams that she is expecting twins, then this predicts financial stability and prosperity;
  • arguing with a pregnant sister – to gossip and intrigue;
  • to have heart-to-heart conversations – to the need to pay more attention to your sister.

Freud’s dream book

According to Freud’s dream book, a vision of a sister’s pregnancy portends a pleasant visit of a good man.

For women:

  • alive – to career success;
  • already dead – to very good news.

For men:

  • a dream about a sister pregnant with twins is a sign of the dreamer’s excessive shyness.

Wanga’s dream book

Interpretations from Vanga’s dream book:

  • a cousin dreams of problems with the dreamer’s self-esteem;
  • a sister – to worry about her unseemly deeds;
  • to see the death of a pregnant sister – to favorable changes in life.

For women:

  • a second cousin is a waste of money.

Dream book of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, if you dream that your sister gave birth to a girl, this portends love and support from a loved one, a boy — family quarrel.

For women:

  • a dream about a pregnant sister reflects understanding and mutual respect in the dreamer’s marriage;
  • quarrel with her — to the destruction of plans;
  • to see her death – to love and wealth;
  • an unmarried woman, a half-sister dreams of a strong love interest.

Dream Interpretation of Meneghetti

According to Meneghetti, a dream about a pregnant sister portends success and good news. However, if she was sick in a dream, then you should be careful when new circumstances arise.

English dream book

For women:

  • married to see her sister in a dream in a position – to a strong relationship with her husband and the birth of twins;
  • For an unmarried woman, such a dream warns that her young man’s intentions are dishonest and selfish.

French dream book

According to the interpretation from the French dream book, if a pregnant sister dreams in tears, this means that a loved one may soon change.

Assyrian dream book

According to the Assyrian dream book, the pregnancy of a sister dreams of a bargain or a successful acquisition.

Modern dream book

According to the Modern dream book, if you dreamed that a non-existent sister was pregnant, then this promises a meeting with an influential person who brought success and authority to the dreamer.

For women:

  • a pregnant sister dreams of meeting a generous man.

Chinese dream book

A dream of a second cousin’s pregnancy promises great changes in all areas of life.

Muslim dream book

In the Muslim dream book, such a vision portends great wealth and power. A sick pregnant sister dreams of the impossibility of reaching her goal.

Islamic dream book

For women:

  • a pregnant sister dreams of receiving gifts from relatives;
  • to beat her – to a good relationship in reality;
  • if a girl is awake in a quarrel with her sister, then a dream about her pregnancy promises reconciliation.

Slavic dream book

According to interpretations from the Slavic dream book, a pregnant sister dreams of positive emotions and surprises.

For men:

  • to see a sister in tears in a dream – to empty talk.

Ukrainian dream book

For women:

  • dream about a cousin in position promises material gain.

Family dream book

According to the Family Dream Book, if a pregnant sister in a wedding dress dreams, it means that a loved one will help to gain financial stability.

Esoteric dream book

According to the Esoteric dream book, a pregnant sister dreams of great prospects in the near the future. If you had a dream about a cousin, then you will have to postpone all plans and wait for a more suitable time for their implementation.

Love dream book

For women:

  • to dream about how a pregnant sister laughs – to a new relationship that will bring only joy.

Dream book by numbers: prediction table

Numbers of the monthPredictions
1Toward the realization of the plan
2To tremendous success with the opposite sex
3Sleep promises a measured family life
4To worries about a child
5A dream predicts receiving gifts
6To boring and monotonous work
7On this day, winning is possible for gamblers
8There is a risk of injury
9The arrival of unexpected guests
10The dreamer will receive a tempting offer
11To unpleasant news from a close friend
12To empty experiences because of your health
13Sleep promises a good deal
14To have a good time with friends
15A dream warns of imminent depression
16Towards a romantic trip
17A dream portends a quarrel with a loved one
18To the acquisition of an expensive thing
19To an invitation to a holiday from someone
20 To the deterioration of the dreamer’s health
21To the loss of money or other valuable thing
22Don’t get into conflict with strangers
23You need to be more careful on the road, accidents are possible
24To a good mood for no apparent reason
25To the acquisition of new knowledge
26To the arrival of relatives from afar
27On this day, it is desirable to be economical
28You should be more balanced
29 To the realization of the plan
30To the slight indisposition of someone close
31Sleep portends large expenses

Dream book for women

For women:

  • seeing a pregnant sister – to success in any business;
  • cousin – to support relatives in difficult times a minute;
  • a laughing sister – to make a dream come true;
  • if a virgin sees such a dream, then soon there will be a quarrel with her parents.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • for a single guy, a dream about a pregnant sister – to good changes in the dreamer’s life;
  • for a married man – to unexpected profits or inheritance.

Moon dream book

Interpretation of a dream from a Lunar dream book:

  • in the daytime, a pregnant sister dreams of troublesome matters that are associated with new ideas;
  • at night – fortunately in love;
  • in the morning – to a promotion for hard work;
  • in the evening – to a rich and generous lover;
  • on the full moon – to a successful marriage;
  • on the new moon – to positive changes in married life.

Dream Interpretation by Days of the Week

Interpretations depending on which day of the week your own pregnant sister dreamed of:

  • on Monday – to the deterioration of health;
  • on Tuesday – to the good news;
  • on Wednesday – to promotion;
  • on Thursday – to domestic quarrels;
  • on Friday – for a business trip;
  • on Saturday – good news;
  • Sunday – to recovery.

Intimate dream book

For women:

  • feel sorry for a pregnant sister in a dream – in reality, help close people with good advice.

For men:

  • see a dream about your sister – in reality, wishing for a child from your beloved woman.

Winter dream book

According to the Winter dream book, a pregnant second cousin dreams of health problems.

If you had a dream about your sister with a belly, then the dreamer’s married life will be unhappy.

Summer dream book

According to the interpretation of the Summer dream book, a pregnant sister in a short dress dreams to memories of the past.

Autumn dream book

The Autumn dream book says this: such a vision may mean a relative’s illness. The birth of a pregnant sister dreams of difficult experiences.

Home dream book

According to the Home Dream Book, the pregnancy of a sister dreams of her imminent marriage and a prosperous family life.

Creative dream book

According to the Creative dream book, such a dream portends a successful marriage.

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