Dream about my pregnancy and the baby moving 👶 in the stomach: 42 interpretations ❗

Most dreams of one’s pregnancy and the movement of the baby in the stomach for the next replenishment of the family. If the news upset the dreamer, the dream portends an illness, and a strong movement in the big belly indicates a lack of support from loved ones.

For an accurate explanation, it is worth considering the details of the dream:

  • the social status of the dreamer;
  • age;
  • actions performed in a dream.

TOP 5 negative interpretations

  1. An alien woman puts her hand on the belly of a pregnant woman — to a rival.
  2. A man who sees himself during pregnancy – to financial losses.
  3. An elderly woman with a small tummy – to death, illness.
  4. Unwanted pregnancy and baby stirring – to disappointment in yourself.
  5. Early pushing the baby means an unpleasant conversation with mom.

TOP 5 positive interpretations

  1. Baby pushing — all things will end successfully.
  2. For the childless vision means nurturing an idea that will soon bring income.
  3. A child stirred in a man’s stomach – an improvement in the financial situation.
  4. A woman is already pregnant in reality – such a dream portends an easy birth.
  5. Stroking your stomach and feeling the baby moving dreams of receiving help from loved ones.

TOP 5 neutral interpretations

  1. For a married woman a dream can mean an unscheduled addition to the family.
  2. For a virgin a dream promises life changes, moving to another country.
  3. An unmarried woman sees her pregnancy in a dream if she is ready for motherhood.
  4. Walking with a huge belly and feeling the movement of a child dreams of important events.
  5. If you dreamed that the baby kicks hard, then this is news from a former partner.

What does this mean according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller believes that sleep is a harbinger of a favorable period for the embodiment of old ideas. Having made the right choice, a person will receive large dividends in the future.

For women:

  • for an innocent girl, a dream in which she feels the stirring of an unborn child predicts the possibility get into an awkward situation;
  • a vision warns a married woman that her family life is in danger.

Freud’s Dream Book

For men:

  • a dream about pregnancy as a boy speaks of the desire of a representative of the stronger sex to start a family;
  • to be pregnant in a dream – relationships with a partner will not bring pleasure, and it is better to end them.


  • a baby moving in the womb reflects the desire and readiness to become a mother in reality;
  • a pregnant woman’s vision promises an easy birth.

Wanga’s dream book

Wanga believes that a dream speaks of the possibility of development, personal growth.

For women:

  • a young girl who feels like a mother in a dream should take care of her health;
  • if the dream is about pregnancy is repeated regularly, then envious gossip is likely;
  • a woman who clearly feels the movement of a child is to become a mother;
  • such a vision promises a quick and easy birth for a pregnant woman;
  • if in a dream there is a feeling that a boy will be born, then soon advancement is possible career ladder and receiving a large amount;
  • a dreamer who is sure that she is carrying a daughter, a dream promises minor problems that can be easily solved;
  • if a girl is worn by an aged woman, then she is recommended to follow for health;
  • to be a pregnant daughter for a young girl means betrayal of her lover.

Hasse’s dream book

For a man:

  • to feel the movement of a child in the stomach – trouble with the female sex.

For a woman:

  • a meeting with a man who will become the dreamer’s chosen one.

Nostradamus’ Dream Book

For men:

  • to be in a dream with a big belly and see how a child shines through the skin – the implementation of long-standing plans, success in work.

For women:

  • a kicking baby in the stomach is a sign of imminent replenishment in the family;
  • for a pregnant woman, a vision promises an easy birth.

Dream Meneghetti

For men:

  • a guy who dreams that he will soon give birth is advised to beware of viral diseases and strengthen his immunity;
  • a big belly with a baby inside in a man’s dream speaks of a strong influence on his beloved.


  1. If a girl sees herself in a dream as a pregnant guy, then you need to worry about mental health. There is a high probability of nervous breakdowns and severe overwork.

English dream book

Pregnancy symbolizes career growth and income from an unexpected source.

For women:

  • being a pregnant girl is the realization of old plans;
  • to see yourself at a later date and feel how the baby is moving and the waters have receded – to pleasant guests.

French dream book

The French believe that a pushing baby is a bad sign. Pregnancy symbolizes losses, financial failures.

Assyrian dream book

An Assyrian online source says that those who dream of their own pregnancy will have a happy life and quick profits. There is a great opportunity to win the lottery.

For women:

  • seeing yourself pregnant with a small belly and feeling the baby pushing with his leg is good luck in love.

Modern dream book

According to the modern interpreter, it is believed that a child pushing his stomach – a sign of positive life changes, fulfillment of desires. But before embarking on new projects, it is recommended to complete old cases.

For men:

  • seeing yourself in the last month of pregnancy is nervous exhaustion. Rest and restoration of vitality are needed.

For women:

  • unmarried, who has a small belly – family well-being;
  • a pregnant woman, if a baby’s leg is seen in a dream, – an easy birth;
  • a married woman – a quarrel with her spouse.

Phoebe’s big dream book

For a man:

  • seeing yourself pregnant with a belly – gain, wealth.

For women:

  • pregnancy and the feeling of fetal movement is a happy ending to a difficult matter;
  • for an innocent girl, watching a baby move in her stomach is fun, a festive celebration, a wedding.

Chinese dream book

Sleep predicts problems in relationships with friends, and sometimes loss relative.

Muslim dream book

According to the Muslim interpreter, a dream is prophetic.

For men:

  • to see yourself with a huge belly — the desire to have a family and children.

Islamic dream book

For women:

  • a married woman’s vision, in which a child stirred in her stomach, predicts an early conception;
  • For an unmarried young girl, a dream in which she felt the movement of a baby in her stomach indicates that she will get married soon.

Slavic dream book

According to the Slavic dream book, to see pregnancy in a dream means in reality to gain wealth and earn the respect of loved ones.

For women:

  • for an adult woman to see herself pregnant and feel how the child began to move is a great joy;
  • a young girl begins to dream that she is in her last month – a deception of her lover;
  • an elderly woman who feels how the child began to move and kicking the stomach is death.

Ukrainian dream book

For women:

  • For a married woman, a dream in which she felt a stir in her tummy means an early conception.
  • A vision of a young innocent girl where the baby was pushing hard and it hurt, warns of the deceit of the chosen one. Perhaps the dreamer has a rival.
  • For an elderly woman, pregnancy in a dream promises serious health problems that can be fatal.

Family dream book

A dream about pregnancy suggests that everything undertaken by a person at the moment will be completed successfully. A good time to conclude contracts and close deals.

For men:

  • to see yourself with a big belly and feel your baby – wealth, career success.

For women:

  • a pregnant woman to watch how the pregnancy progresses – easy childbirth and quick recovery after them.

Esoteric dream book

According to the esoteric dream book, a vision in which the dreamer has to feel the baby being pushed in his stomach and hearing a child cry means that in reality he will suffer big losses due to the machinations of competitors.

Love Dream

Your pregnancy and the stirring of the child in the stomach are dreaming of something pleasant. It is possible to receive money or a gift from a dear person.

For women:

  • pregnant – quick painless childbirth;
  • an unmarried girl becomes pregnant – an unsuccessful marriage.
  • a married woman sees herself with a pregnant belly – family harmony.

Dream book by numbers: decoding by days of the week

For a more accurate interpretation of sleep about pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the day of the week on which you saw it.

Table for determining the value of sleep by day of the week

Day of the weekMeaning
MondaySleep doesn’t really matter. Can talk about a sudden change in weather
TuesdayNews from relatives with whom the dreamer has not met for a long time
WednesdayVision portends material losses
ThursdayIt is recommended to control your words and actions, otherwise you cannot avoid a scandal with loved ones
FridayThe dream promises a long and happy life.
SaturdayYou have to worry about one of your friends
SundayThe dreamer will be a participant in a large family celebration. Cash surprises are not ruled out.

Dream Interpretation for Women

For women:

  • never giving birth, watching a child put a leg out of her stomach – to motherhood;
  • for a woman who already has children, for joy, fun.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • married – loss of a wife;
  • single – wedding;
  • carrying a son in the stomach – material profit.

Moon dream book

For women:

  • a dream about pregnancy, dreamed by a young girl, portends a betrayal of her lover.

Intimate dream book

According to the Intimate Dream Book, to see yourself was pregnant means in reality to have a desire to start a family.

For men:

  • on a subconscious level, the sleeper wants children from his current mistress .

Winter dream book

For women:

  • a vision in which a girl happened to see herself pregnant for a long time and feel the baby kicking means a deterioration in health.

Summer dream book

A vision of conceiving and bearing a baby portends material well-being.

Autumn dream book

For women:

  • according to the autumn dream book, a dream is prophetic — the dreamer will become a mother.

Home dream book

According to a home dream book, a vision of upcoming motherhood speaks of the emergence of a new idea that will soon be implemented.

For women:

  • pregnant – preparation for childbirth;
  • A woman without children is the desire to conceive a baby.

Creative dream book

For a man:

  • being pregnant and feeling the baby pushing from the inside is cheating.

For women:

  • a young girl who saw her stomach and felt the movement of a baby in it is a danger;
  • a married woman to feel how a child moves is joy, fulfillment of desires.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Getting pregnant and immediately feeling the child’s stirring is a dream of feelings due to attempts to control everything.

For men:

  • for a married man, such a dream portends unfair accusations from his wife.

Jung’s dream book

According to Jung’s dream book, pregnancy with triplets and moving babies dream of prosperity and well-being. To see such a dream all the time – to increase self-esteem.

For women:

  • to keep your hand on the pregnant belly and feel how the child is actively moving – to get good news;
  • look in the mirror at your big belly and feel the pushing of the baby – to the fulfillment of a dream.
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